Natalie- Did we just become BFF's?


Do you ever meet someone later in life (like in your 30's ha) and just click? It's one of those rare friendships that comes natural, it's easy + feels like you have been friends forever. What are we talking about? More like WHO are we talking about. The talented one woman show behind local brand, Made in Minn, Natalie!

What started out as shall we say hobby, has now grown into a small women-owned embroidery business! Specializing in custom gifts you can find her goods from up north to down south + now at Arlo. Now offering some of her staple pieces that we just adore. In addition to that we have collaborated on two awesome styles you will only find HERE.


Ok enough rambling let's hear from her:

" Ally and I met out of complete randomness – or maybe just in a serendipitous way as I like to say. We connected as two women business owners participating in a Self-Love online giveaway a few months back. We quickly found out that we had a few common connections, along with a passion for and history in NE Mpls. Within blocks of Shop Arlo and Ally’s residence, you can find my Grandmother’s business, along with her first home purchased out of college. 

I went through a whirlwind of emotions after giving birth to my second child, and nearly lost myself. After exiting my 9 to 5 career (OK – way more hours than that), I took a step back to heal and become a better mama. While finding myself in the journey, one of my therapeutic outlets, embroidery, turned into a business (Made-In-Minn) which launched one year ago this month. A later step in the healing process has been not looking like a total mom (you know, yoga pants and hair up for days, months, etc.). Thanks to Ally and Shop Arlo, I FINALLY own a pair of hip high-waisted mom jeans and a few cropped tees. Along with several sexy black dresses to be dressed up for weddings or dressed down for the weekly grocery store run. It feels so good to feel stylish again :) "

It only seems fitting that we celebrate this awesome human + her one year anniversary with Made In Minn. So excited to have her as our Gal of the Month 

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